Traditional Chinese Medicine & Five Element Acupuncture
What is Light Therapy?
Rejuvenating LED therapy is a non-invasive treatment using a device that emits different wavelengths of light. The light source emits photons which are absorbed in the mitochondria and cell membranes resulting in biochemical and cellular changes.
When placed over the face, it stimulates cell and elastin production and enhances collagen helping to reduce fine lines and revitalise your skin. It is also an effective treatment for conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea.
When placed on areas of the body in discomfort, it provides pain relief, tissue repair and decreases inflammation.
Cells Affected by LED Therapy
P.acnes bacteria: Blue light causes bacteria to destroy itself.
Fibroblast Cells: Red and a little Infra-red (IR) produces collagen and elastin fibres in connective tissue.
Keratinocytes: Both Red and IR provide structural strength to the skin, hair and nails. Responsible for skin clarity, tone and texture.
Mast Cells: Red and Near IR are essential for inflammatory reactions.
Neutrophil: (Leukocytes) IR and a little Red are the first line of defence in the inflammatory process. Adequate numbers are important to protect the body from infection.
Macrophage Cells: (Leukocytes) Red and IR play a vital role in activating specific immune responses.
LED therapy can be used as a standalone treatment, or in conjunction with acupuncture treatment and cosmetic acupuncture.